If you’re old enough you may remember the times prior to the beginning of the modern era, or to be precise the very moment at the turn of the century. That sounds super old school, but… some people do remember the times. And what they remember is the predictions of how the post 2k year era is going to look like. Are we all going to have jetpacks we will use to commute to school, live in high-tech houses straight from the Jetsons reality, have assistant robots taking care of the unwanted stuff like cleaning your room or be able to X-ray your neighbor’s house. Crazy predictions for not so distant future. We all had those dreams back then. It’s a shame we don’t have those jetpacks yet, but what we do have is the Internet and the Artificial Intelligence which some actually have seen coming.

artist: Antoine Guitt / source: Instagram
Predictions about the future are exactly what we are going to get excited about today, but from a perspective a bit deeper back in the past, the golden era of the 70’s. Thus, this is what is called Retro Futurism.
Welcome to the strange world of DORALTYS, a dystopian society from the 70’s.

artist: Antoine Guitt / source: Instagram
artist: Antoine Guitt / source: Instagram
Antoine Guitt, an illustrator, designer and a great AI creative mind uses Midjourney to recreate the visions of the future we could be living in if it was 1970’s and we were on a different planet. ‘Dystopian’, he says, it is, but if you look at the original creations of Antoine, it looks kind of exciting and very tempting to be part of. Do we humans by any chance feel allured by dystopia?! Or does Antoine’s reality feel more cosy than the world we currently live in?
From futuristic architectural designs, near-perfect interiors to amazing fashion concepts, the artist invites the viewer into this oddly looking but friendly world of ever good looking, smiling and perfect population of DORALTYS. The french headlines accompanying some of the visions spice up the storytelling and make it feel more luxurious, as we all follow certain stereotype, don’t we?! So sit back and relax, feel invited to the world, the gym as well, but please come back.

artist: Antoine Guitt / source: Instagram