ARTIST HIGHLIGHT: ai_dream_journey

This one is special… you can easily spot the very unique style, specific choice of color pallets, shapes, figures and expression but there is barely anything one can compare it too. One of a kind! And by far that would be the best and totally on point description of the art created by ai_dream_journey. It is dreamy, it is colorful and seductive but it also feels a bit odd and disturbing, could be the eyes though. They are everywhere, lookin at the viewer, straight in your face. Very personal. We are pretty sure there is no blinking involved. Don’t ask why. Just don’t look away. We don’t know why really it makes us feel this way. Little do we know about the author too. Just the short bio: “Ai maximalist dreamlands created with Midjourney 🌈” We do know however that we are in love with it, truly and deeply. Oh yes…and the pinned wallpapers waiting to be downloaded <3

artist: ai_dream_journey / source: Instagram

source: Instagram

source: Instagram

source: Instagram