Artist Highlight: Liminal Mindscape

You are 5 again, maybe 6. You’re sitting on a hard, not too comfy chair and waiting with one of your parents for the doc to call your name so you can finally get your milk tooth taken out, the one in the back. You can take out the front ones on your own, easily, but you mom told you you should not have that done with the bigger ones. You disagree, but still have to be there. For the sake of you own inner peace. It takes ages… you’re like literally dying out of boredom and out of sudden you see that in the far corner of the dentist’s waiting room there is a small water tank. Yasss! Let’s see it. You slowly approach the aquarium and notice all those strange, oddly-looking creatures that don’t quite look like regular fish you know. You also notcie that behind the mysterious tank there’s more to be amazed with… an entrire room filled with tanks, all sizes available, from small to massive, tiny table type-of to covering the entire wall. They are filled with fish, plants, amphibians and what not. Nothing is going to be the same anymore, you instantly fall in love with waiting rooms…

… and from now on all of your teeth need to be taken out by a dentist.

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram

This could easily be a short movie scenario to accompany the Liminal Mindscape artistic visions. The artist, based in Los Angeles, brings us incredible creatives daily, with one very interesting trait: they are mostly wet! And they actually feel like they are. There are two things that popup in our mind when we look at the amazing artworks of Liminal Mindscape: one is the extraordinary world of Japan but pushed to the boundaries of very sublime yet a bit unsettling oddity, the latter being the magical world of water tanks. We truly love it! Let’s take a dive then.

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram

Water tanks, or actually the creatures living within them in Liminal Mindscape’s world are living life to the fullest, as if in the augmented reality, taken out of their natural habitat, being part of interior design, or a carefully tailored dress. We would love to see some of those things live!

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram

artist: Liminal Mindscape / source: Instagram