This happens, not everyday though, once in a while; you scroll down the Instagram feed, being kind of bored, kind of emotionless, definitely lacking any specific purpose for your current existence (sort of), and snap, there it is, among many others trying to look cool, that photo. Exceptional. Suddenly you mood change, your surrounding changes, you put on your emotional self and get excited, back on track again with your mood. You get in there, you dig deeper, start gazing at the photo, wanting to see if there are any others to tap next to. Still not a single sign of loosing your initial interest with what you are looking at, that’s good. The sensation of feeling something is not that common, when there are hundreds of thousands of pictures around craving for your attention. Artist desperately wanting to be noticed, trying to move you by any means necessary, the truth is, we kind of got used to being hunted. We don’t care anymore that much, don’t we?! But this one picture, got us big time. We felt as if we did care about it. Still not sure why, we’re pretty sure about one thing though – it’s damn good! And it is AI-generated.
“We’re not leaving Tokyo yet”, you better not Mr Marius Troy. We want more of this pink haze!

source: Instagram
Norwegian multi-disciplinary artist utilising new media crafting visions and immersive experiences, Marius Troy, seems to have mastered the way not only to capture emotions, but also to pass them on via his artworks. Nostalgia, passion, secrecy and temptation – it’s all too vivid to be skipped unnoticed, as if we were looking at the untouched rolls of films or a movie, Lost in Translation, or Drive type-of.

source: Instagram
Marius does not want to keep the secret of creating such incredible artworks to himself only, he has just published an e-book on Midjourney where he is sharing some of his best recipes.
“All of my accumulated knowledge made into easy-to-follow instructions and practical tips so that you can start creating amazing concepts with Midjourney today.”
You can purchase it here if you want. For now just let his artworks mesmerize you the way we let them do it. Fly high lonely traveler.

source: Instagram

source: Instagram