ARTIST HIGHLIGHT: Marta Contreras Simó
We came here for the hats. Yeah, we said it. How about you, do you fancy wearing hats? But not just at them rave parties, like on a daily basis, or when the opportunity comes. Hats are an under-appreciated accessory and it’s hard not to agree on this, however, we all get this strange itching on the back of our head that makes us want to get one for ourselves, especially when we look at how good the hats sometimes are, not to mention how incredibly well they give that final touch to the overall look. Not even an icing, but a cherry on the cake. Having said that, you will get dozens of sensations when browsing through Marta Contreras Simó a.k.a. MyLovelyViews AI portfolio.
“… In Love With Strange Beauty. She Is Passionate About Photography And All Her Last Projects Are Made With AI. She Has A Portfolio At Vogue & Iconic Artist Magazine. Her Photos And Images Have Been Exposed At Foley Gallery NY, PhotoEspaña, Rotterdam Photo Festival & The Holy Art London.”
Assot, Balmoral Bonnet, Beret, Chullo, Cricket, Fedora, Deerstalker, Pillbox, Rasta-hat, Top, Porkpie, or Panama… these are just a few types from the top of the head. The names are so cool, the shapes not that much though, Marta, however gave this under-appreciated fashion item a whole new life… AI-made. It is incredible, to say the least. To be honest, without all sorts of Marta’s-made hats the images of her wouldn’t be equally exciting to look at.

artist: Marta Contreras Simó / source: Instagram
There is something about professional photographers using generative AI that instantly tells you they know the game. Is that the scene, the framing, or perhaps the colors, the shades, or maybe the art of light, all of them are possible, but it is clear and visible that the artist handles visuals well. Marta is not an exception to this feeling. Marta knows.

artist: Marta Contreras Simó / source: Instagram

artist: Marta Contreras Simó / source: Instagram

artist: Marta Contreras Simó / source: Instagram

Make sure to visit her portfolio both on Instagram and her site. Enjoy