Selfies that never were

Mother: Hi sweetheart, just checking in. Are you on your way? Dinner’s almost ready.

Daughter: Hey Mom! Yeah, I’m on my way. Running a bit behind, but I’ll be there soon.

Mother: Okay, but I’ve got everything set up and I’ve been waiting. How much longer?

Daughter: I know, Mom, I’m really sorry. There was unexpected traffic, and oh shut… It turns out there is huge fire here.

Mother: It’s always something, isn’t it? I just want us to have a nice family dinner for once.

Daughter: I know, and I appreciate you cooking. I’ll make it up to you, promise. But I’m stuck for now, have to cancel tonights. Just see it for yourself if you don’t believe me! Will come by next week.

That could work, right? The new Midjourney release works magic when it comes to the realism of the creatives. Can you actually tell that this photo is just an AI generated selfie? If you want to know how to do it, check out one of the most popular threads recently by one an only BLΛC, an artist, contrarian, and a cosmic anarchist! Nothing will ever be the same again.

“These are not real Normie selfies from the Seattle waterfront pier. By adding “posted on reddit/snapchat in 2018″ to a prompt it creates insanely realistic results, that feel less ‘professional’ and more genuine. These are raw/unedited btw…”

so here is the prompt structure:

“PROMPT: phone selfie of [xyz person description], [location], posted on snapchat in 2018 –style raw –ar 9:16 –v 6.0”

BLΛC made a very interesting comparison of what that little remark “posted on snapchat in 2018” can do!

Give it a try, like some of BLΛC’s followers did. The results are incredibly good and scary at the same time. Who knows if your mom won’t in return send you some type of fake selfie when you actually need here to come by?! 🙂

Min Choi, an X user and an AI consultant has recently shared a similar thread on photorealism too, as a follow up to the initially shared discovery by u/KudzuEye on Reddit.

“PROMPT: phone photo of {subject and location} posted to {some social media} in {some time frame} –style raw –s 0 –ar {some vertical aspect ratio}.”

It it insane how well the generative AI has handled the quality of certain style, whether platform or timeframe related, even though it breaks down when you look closer the final effect is simply mind blowing. And all this is just the alpha release (sic!)

as u/KudzuEye explains:

“…you want some combination of a subject, image source, and even aspect ratio that are very biased to reflect non edited images that were trained on.

I ran Magnific AI to clean up some background faces and overly smooth skin though it may have added in some weird faces. There are a couple of hands that could not get fixed with it. Would probably need to fall back to SD inpainting for that.

There is probably still a lot of potential for further experimenting in V6. I think messing around with negative weights and reference images and image weights may be a possible opportunity to really expand on things.”

Now you know.