Today’s post may not be the favourite one for all the control freaks out there, but interesting enough to take a closer look at the phenomenon, namely single word prompting. But, before you bounce back and finish it off without even starting to read, let us tell you one thing: we are talking single word, that’s right but we are not saying you are losing control over the creative process, imagine/ is one thing, keeping all the prompting parameters you may want is another. Usually, individuals opt for detailed prompts in hopes of getting the exact image they’re looking for. Yet, on occasion, embracing ambiguity can yield striking and unforeseen visuals.

A while back, we addressed quite similar topic — single character prompting. So, when we stumbled upon a thread initiated by one of the AI enthusiasts and creative heads we follow, the Bri Guy AI, it seemed like a perfect fit to our earlier discussion. While Midjourney officially encourages users to use detailed prompting to get the best results, prompts can also be simple. “A single word or emoji will work. However, short prompts rely on Midjourney’s default style, allowing it to fill in any unspecified details creatively.” Is that so? Let’s check it out.

“So, this morning, I meant to search 35mm as a token but accidentally prompted it. In fact, it’s a good reminder of how simple prompt can inspire as much as a complicated one.”

When we’re talking parameters.

how about Niji?

artist: Cathy Cardona / prompt: 35mm / toolkit: niji・journey / source: X

On that note, Brian made a very interesting point:

“I’ve spent a lot of time using cref and sref recently. Long ago I use to strictly use /blend to mash ideas. But cref and sref are way more effective at subtly bringing together clashing ideas. Weights are always fun too.”

We have also found an interesting remark on the ratio use:

“Not only words but also aspect ratio can influence the originality and unique style of your image. If you are looking for a photorealistic, cinematic effect, you will do better using a horizontal aspect ratio; for abstract, painterly and illustration art — a square or vertical aspect ratio will work best.”

While digging through the web and trying to find a relevant single word prompting techniques, we have found something completely utter and counter to it. A 206 word long prompt, apparently engineered by a user called @natfon175. Here it is:

“Picture yourself standing on the incline of a cobbled street in Portland, Maine. You are halfway up a quaint hill, where the historic brick buildings reveal themselves in the honeyed blush of sunset. Fresh rain has left the cobblestones glistening, reflecting the heaven’s rich palette in their glossy surface. To your left, an enchanting bookstore radiates a welcoming glow. To your right, a bakery comes alive, its heavenly scent of fresh loaves swirling in the air. The street is alive: residents walking their dogs, tourists bewitched by the antique architecture, a busker adding a gentle soundtrack to the scene with a soulful tune. Beyond the serpentine array of rooftops, your eyes are drawn to the stunning bay view. Fishing boats and schooners bob languidly in the harbor, their outlines dark against the fiery backdrop. The sun retreats into the Atlantic’s embrace, its descent dyeing the sky in molten gold, delicate pink, and royal violet. The breeze of the evening breathes stories of the sea into the scene, a salty tang of brine mingling with the promise of adventure. This is Portland, Maine, captured halfway through your journey at sunset. The oil painting that results weaves a tale of color and texture, reality melding seamlessly with dream.”

Resulting in this creation.

Who wore it better then?