BIT #1
Every now and then generative AI makes us rethink some of the essential ideas behind well known concepts, sometimes it’s just teasing, sometimes it can really blow some minds. Let’s stay on the safe side today and see what would have happened of instead of brush and paint the greatest artist would use computers to create their masterpieces, van Gogh, Bosch, or Dali working out their creativity with just 256 colors at their disposal. Here it is, 8-bit art of the greatest by Artificial World, unveiling hidden variables. This is just too good to miss out, brings back the memories of the good old Duke Nukem!

“The Gardens of Earthly Delights” of Hieronymus Bosch by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” of Georges Seurat by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“Café Terrace at Night” of Vincent van Gogh by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“Napoleon Crossing the Alps” of Louis David by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“The Persistence of Memory” of Salvador Dalí by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“Mona Lisa” of Leonardo da Vinci by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X

“The Great Wave off Kanagawa” of Katsushika Hokusai by Artificial World/ toolkit: DALL·E 3 / source: X
There are more great arts in the original thread here.
BIT #2
Did somebody say The Great Wave off Kanagawa” of Katsushika Hokusai? We might have just seen somebody surfing it. Unbelievable! Can someone pls make a video game our of it? A friendly request.
Funny, this is what we have said about todays AI BITS episode, aren’t zombies funny enough? If they are for you then we are definitely on the same page here, and hence the yesterdays Halloween we are here to hold that mood for you a bit longer, for someone has just hijacked a video of raving people and put the Walking Dead layer on top! Rest in peace. Now get up, and go to rave. Boo.
source: X
BIT #4
We are pretty much indifferent when it comes to all this Halloween frenzy, but we can not pass by this amazing pumpkin production by Javi Lopez.
“just coded “Angry Pumpkins ” (any resemblance is purely coincidental ) using GPT-4 for all the coding and Midjourney / DALLE for the graphics.”
This is real game guys! Should you want to have a go, go here. The man is also responsible for creating an amazing library of AI prompts – BEST AI PROMPTS.
Javi has shared the whole creative process behind the mini game in the X thread here. What you can see below is part of the “coding” process, for graphics he used DALL·E 3 and Midjourney.
“Although the game is just 600 lines of which I haven’t written ANY, this was the most challenging part. As you can see, I got into adding many details like different particle effects, different types of objects, etc. And to this day, we’re still not at a point where GPT-4 can generate an entire game with just a prompt. But I have no doubt that in the future we’ll be able to create triple AAA video games just by asking for it.
Anyway, back to the present, the TRICK is to request things from GPT-4 iteratively. Actually, very similar to how a person would program it: Starting with a simple functional base and iterate, expand, and improve the code from there. Let’s see some tricks and prompts I used:
Start with something simple:
– “Can we now create a simple game using matter.js and p5.js in the style of “Angry Birds”? Just launch a ball with angle and force using the mouse and hit some stacked boxes with 2D physics.
And from there, keep asking for more and more things. And every time something goes wrong, clearly explain the mistake and let it fix it. Patience! Examples:
– “Now, I ask you: do you know how the birds are launched in Angry Birds? What the finger does on the screen? Exactly. Add this to the game, using the mouse.”
– “I have this error, please, fix it: Uncaught ReferenceError: Constraint is not defined”
– “I would like to make a torch with particle effects. Can it be done with p5.js? Make one, please.”
– “Now, make the monsters circular, and be very careful: apply the same technique that already exists for the rectangular ones regarding scaling and collision area, and don’t mess it up like before. ”
This part took us (GTP-4 and me) many iterations and patience.
– “There’s something off with the logic that calculates when there’s a strong impact on a bug. If the impact is direct, it works well, but not if it’s indirect. For example, if I place a rectangle over two bugs and drop a box on the rectangle, even though the bugs should be affected by the impact, they don’t notice it. What can we do to ensure they also get affected when things fall on top of a body they are under?”