AI BITS: Veggies are Friends, Transcendence, Couch Safari & Stormtr***ers in Paris

BIT #1

In a small town up north the country, there were four vegetable friends; tomato, onion, potato and red pepper, living together. Tomato was very beautiful, the other were good looking too. Their cheeks were shining brightly and the eyes were big… it could have been a great story for kids. To some extent it actually is, the rest has been gotten round by Caroline (@Caroline_Tomas) and it’s more than awesome, not for kids only. The prompt goes unofficially by the name of ‘veggies are friends’ which in reality reads: a [vegetable, etc.] with eyes, by Paul wong, in the style of distorted and exaggerated human figures, dusty piles, low depth of field, kitchen background‘. The results it has given back are hilarious, and other users replies in thread are more than a cherry on the cake.

artist: @Caroline_Tomas / prompt: a [vegetable, etc.] with eyes, by Paul wong, in the style of distorted and exaggerated human figures, dusty piles, low depth of field, kitchen background’ / source: Twitter

some got a bit spooky, like these ones by Andrew Vladykin (@AndrewJumpen)

artist: @AndrewJumpen / source: Twitter

some even more! The same tomato 4 weeks later by Nerbts (@Nerbts).

artist: @Nerbts / source: Twitter

Bing got their moments too, by Kiwi (@KiSocrates). Fruits are cool too!

artist: @KiSocrates / prompt: a orange with SpongeBob eyes, 3d, realistic, low depth of field, kitchen background, other fruits and vegetables in the foreground and background / source: Twitter

BIT #2

Do you know what transcendence is? You don’t? No problem. Well, you may have heard about OM? Right? The sound that yoga class attendants make when they start their routine. This also, but most importantly it is the very first sound of the universe! Very first! Ok. Now, we will show you some magic by Kris Kashtanova (@icreatelife) They asked ChatGPT to describe transcendence, the way it sees and hears it. This is what came back:

‘Transcendence, in its most abstract form, can be envisioned as a spectrum of light and energy that vibrates at a frequency beyond the reach of our physical senses. Imagine an infinite space, devoid of recognizable forms or structures, where the only perceptible element is an ever-shifting dance of colors and patterns. In this boundless expanse, waves of light merge and interact, creating ephemeral harmonies that resonate with the essence of existence itself. The colors shift and blend, forming subtle gradients that represent the interconnectedness of all things. This luminous tapestry seems to vibrate in tune with a silent, universal song, echoing the deepest truths of reality. As you immerse yourself in this abstract landscape, you become aware of a profound stillness at its core. It is a calm and silent point of convergence, where the myriad hues and energies coalesce into a single, unified essence. This is the heart of transcendence, the threshold between the finite and the infinite, where the limitations of our physical world dissolve, and we are free to explore the boundless realms of consciousness and understanding.’

Kris wouldn’t be Kris if they had not squeezed the most out of it; used it as a prompt to generate an image, made a video based on this image, and added a soundtrack to it. This is what happened! Must see.

artist: @icreatelife / source: Twitter

BIT #3

This one goes to all couch surfing fans… who are more into the couch part than surfing. Being serious, we are talking product design here. In one of her recent threads Hanne van Briel (@hanne_van_briel) a very talented and creative generative AI art explorer, has challenged Midjourney fans to get fluffed up and tested many, many, many materials for an ideal… couch. Jump in the rabbit hole and follow this basic prompt: ‘product design, a couch made out of [material], minimal background, centered, front view —s 1000 —ar 16:9

artist: @hanne_van_briel / prompt: product design, an organically shaped cotton candy couch, front view, minimal background –ar 16:9 –s 1000 / source: Twitter

The prompt works its magic also with product characteristic, not only the fabric it’s made out of, like fuzzy, or cushy, or even meteorite! So cool.

artist: @hanne_van_briel / source: Twitter

BIT #4

What’s so great about the Stormtroopers we don’t know, but we do for sure that whenever they go, we follow. This time it’s Paris. It all started with Nicolas Neubert (@iamneubert) awesome idea, not to mention the copywriting. Brilliant. Thanks Nicolas Neubert. Sit back, turn this music on in the background YouTube and follow the thread: Stormtr***ers in Paris, and everywhere else. You’re welcome.

artist: @iamneubert / prompt: Candid Cinematic Shot Subject: Two Stormtroopers looking at the Eiffel Tower in Paris Background: Paris Cityscapes, Landmarks Influences: Paris Themes, Paris Historic Sites Emphasisers: ParisCore, Sharp Focus on Subject –ar 21:9 –q 2 –style raw / source: Twitter

artist: @iamneubert / prompt: Cinematic Shot Subject: Stormtroopers standing kissing in the middle of a road Background: Rainy Paris Road Influences: Paris Architecture, Paris Historic Sites, Joyful Celebration of Love Emphasisers: LoveCore, CityCore, Depth of Field Camera: Shot on a Hasselblad medium format camera. Carl Zeiss Distagon t* 15 mm f/ 2. 8 ze, Ricoh r1. –ar 21:9 –q 2 –q 2 –v 5.1 –style raw / source: Twitter

artist: @iamneubert / prompt: TopDown Up-Close Shot Subject: A stormtrooper enjoyging a croissant and coffee on a Parisian breakfast table Background: Paris Café Influences: Instagram Breakfeast, Influencers, Paris Architecture, Paris Historic Sites, Joyful Celebration of Breakfast Emphasisers: FoodCore, ParisCore, Depth of Field Camera: Shot on a Hasselblad medium format camera. Carl Zeiss Distagon t* 15 mm f/ 2. 8 ze, Ricoh r1. –ar 21:9 –q 2 –style raw –v 5.1 / source: Twitter

artist: @iamneubert / prompt: TopDown Up-Close Shot Subject: Cinematic Shot Subject: Two Stormtroopers looking at the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum Background: Louvre Museum in Paris, Artworks Influences: Museum Themes, Paris Historic Sites Emphasisers: MuseumCore, Sharp Focus on Subject –ar 21:9 –q 2 –style raw –v 5.1/ source: Twitter

some ended up in Vienna.

artist: @RainerBracharz / source: Twitter

some in Miami.

artist: @Authority_AI / source: Twitter

c u around!