AI-generated QR codes are taking over in 3,2,1…

Everybody has at least once met with those clumsy, poorly looking, not-always-working codes that nobody likes to see but some seem to use successfully, or at least that’s what they are saying. Surveys prove that the numbers are in favor of the codes, and it may be thanks to intriguing special offers, or digital menus but most probably they are on the rise thanks to vaccination certificates. The QR codes aren’t going anywhere, at least in their essential functionality, but the design… well, they may have just got their second chance and are the brink of their renaissance.

With up to 30% redundancy, QRs have seemed like a perfect way for the outside the Internet links embodiment, however due to the many phishing scams and fraud incidents, people became suspicious and wary of scanning them. The full potential was lost mostly to security risks but also to the way they actually look. Let’s be honest, they look like necessary evil, always hidden somewhere in the lower right corner, or the least important side of the shoebox. This may change soon, thanks to one very smart Reddit user u/nhciao. They’ve figured out a way to use the text-to-image AI model Stable Diffusion to embed the QR code into natural and actually good looking images while still making them work when scanned. Finally! Yes!

source: Reddit

After having worked with QR codes generator a few years back, u/nhciao welcomed the raise of generative AI and asked themselves:

‘Can I use the diffusion model to generate a QR code that looks like a picture?’

The technique uses a custom ControlNet model, well-trained and thoroughly tested, which can make Stable Diffusion create a desired pattern. If everything goes right we shall all be seeing encoded hidden information in any image that is completely normal for naked eyes, but acting as a source of information in front of our smartphone cameras. Can’t wait!

source: Reddit

You can check out the original story here: AI 生成可扫码图像 — 新 ControlNet 模型展示