The 18 secs of creative flow.

“We’ve released an update that allows you to extend your Gen-2 videos up to 18 seconds. Available now in the browser and coming soon to iOS.”*

The folks at RunwayML have just reached another milestone and it instantly gave birth to an incredible amount of creativity. The generative AI text/image to video software update has once again changed the game, literally overnight. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best 18 seconds ever made.

“…I spent all night and morning testing it. Here are my initial tips and insights to help you leverage this fresh AI video superpower. ” – Dave Villalva (@DaveJWVillalva)

Dave have posted a super interesting thread on X summing up the best most recent updated to Gen-2 along with some great clips and best practice guide, make sure to check it out here.

artist: @DaveJWVillalva / toolkit: Midjourney, Gen2 /source: X

artist: @ciguleva / source: X

“…Check out how stable the new feature is vs the old method (taking the last frame and generating from that).” – Curious Refuge (@CuriousRefuge)

artist: @CuriousRefuge / source: X

artist: Nerbts / source: X

artist: @HBCoop_ / source: X

artist: @jamesyeung18 / source: X

artist: @juliewdesign_ / source: X

artist: @terhavlova / source: X

and finally

“The “ouroboros” method with Gen2.

Feeding the last frame from a 16s generation into another 16s generation, and so on. Like playing snake. I made 5 x 16s clips, joined them, and speed them up 3x.

The idea behind this experiment was to make gen2 forget as much as possible about the original input and start creating on its own. At the end it started shifting shapes, trying to land on something, and it finally decided to become a pink bubble.” – Leo Espinoza (@LeoEspinozaCine)

artist: @LeoEspinozaCine / source: X