AI BITS: Is Google back in the AI game, The Room and where is Santa?

BIT #1

It’s December 6th and Google has just made a very bold attempt to take back the Internet’s pole position. It has been an AI-first company for ages, except for the last year. Right when ChatGPT was born, Google’s leadership was not that obvious. Now Google is finally making a big move, releasing its AI model called Google’s Gemini. Now we can finally ask: GPT-4 versus Gemini, who’s in for the throne?

“We’ve done a very thorough analysis of the systems side by side, and the benchmarking,” says Demi Hassabis, the CEO and Co-founder of Google DeepMind. Google ran 32 well-established benchmarks comparing the two models, from broad overall tests like the Multi-task Language Understanding benchmark to one that compares two models’ ability to generate Python code. “I think we’re substantially ahead on 30 out of 32” of those benchmarks, Hassabis says, with a bit of a smile on his face. “Some of them are very narrow. Some of them are larger.”

Ok, but what it do? The new Google language model is intended not only to improve the previous LLMs (Large Language Model), but also to offer completely new possibilities in the field of text, graphics and sound processing. Well, that video will most certainly give you a gist about its superpowers.

As one of the commentators on YT noticed:

“0:42 This Codeforces question is 3200 rated, and only about 500 people have solved it. It’s kinda wild that AlphaCode2 can handle it, while GPT-4 struggles with a 1000-rated question.”

If you want to see the magic, just take a look at the video in one of the X threads by @LinusEkenstam. Incredible leap forward for the AI to say the least, ant the giant is back in the game for good.

BIT #2

One very creative and talented artist, as he calls himself, on the forefront of tech, VR and AI, which is super important in his case has just released his year long project result. Why are so stoked about it? Mainly because Martin Nebelong is a true sharing-is-caring believer, a guy whose incredible list of clients would be a dream for many, shares his workflow, tips and tricks to the widest audience possible, on any SM platform possible on a daily basis, how-to this and how-to that is a norm. Now, he has launched a short entitled The Room: about exploration, about moving from the safe comfort of The Room into the exciting unknown. The unknown we’re all taken into by the AI.

“In early 23, I proposed an idea to Runway for a short film collaboration. With the film, I wanted to tell an important story. A story about change, about moving into unknown territory, and about the things we learn on the way. As creatives, our life is one long journey of exploration.. new stories, new tools, new techniques.

Our life is also full of unknowns. An unexpected and acute heart condition due to a birth defect in my heart I didn’t know I had led to a month of being at the hospital and two surgeries. After that, I had a few months of recovery and a lot of time to think about my life. The most important elements of it are my family, friends, and my lifelong passion for creating images and exploring new frontiers in creativity.”

The behind the creation is something you should also be aware of. Amazing work by one of the most amazing motion creatives out there.

BIT #3

Last but not least, we haven’t heard from Santa even though we thought we well deserved it. Have you seen this guy?