Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out

This famous saying by one of the cinema moguls, Martin Scorsese, is a very accurate summary of the essence of moving picture. What really matters is what we, as viewers actually see; like the performance, the image sequencing and the picture itself. Finally, it is the directors ability to use the viewer’s imagination in their favor in order to build a relationship with the cinematic experience. However, this experience has been provided to viewers by a very limited number of talented individuals, until now. The entrance barrier to the world of cinema was high enough for many not to bother with even having fun with the moving picture. With the generative AI advancement times have changed and we are at the doorstep of a cinematic growth we have never dreamed about before.

An accomplished AI artist, Claire Silver, whose work can be found in the permanent collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, has been sold at Sotheby’s London and Christie’s New York, and has been exhibited in galleries, museums, and festivals all over the world, has recently announced an AI contest on Twitter, a quest for 8-12 second video/animation using AI (all or part). The submitted works were jaw-dropping, that’s for sure, but what was also immensely interesting and could act as a groundbreaking argument for all of those AI art deniers, is the creation process behind every submitted work! If this is not art, then what is?!

Take a look at some of the entries below, and stay tuned to get to know the winners anytime soon, as soon as Claire (@ClaireSilver12) gets through the hundreds submissions she has received!

artist: @DaveJWVillalva / toolkit: RunwayML’s Gen2, Final Cut Pro / source: Twitter

artist: @Mr_AllenT / toolkit: Midjourney, Photoshop Gen Fill, Pika, Google’s MusicLM / source: Twitter

artist: @1ban3gaNa / toolkit: see the thread here / source: Twitter

artist: @BlankEmbrace / toolkit: Stable Diffusion + Midjourney, RunwayML, PS, AE / source: Twitter

artist: @amli_art / source: Twitter

artist: @MutagenSamurai / toolkit: Midjourney, D-ID, Runway ML2, Zeroscope, Adobe Generative fill / source: Twitter

The best summary of the change within the movie industry is the one made by Claire herself.

“With the rise of AI, for the first time, the barrier of skill is swept away. In this evolving era, taste is the new skill.”

Claire Silver

There are dozens of great and inspiring entries in the original thread here. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show. It’s worth it. Taste the change yourself.