THE WINNERS OF 2023 GEN:48 by Runway
It all started under the cloud ridden sky of October 21st in the headquarters of Runway Studios, the revolutionary visionaries has launched the 1st edition of 48 hrs short AI Film Competition, short film competition where teams of filmmakers had 48 hours to ideate and execute a 1-4 minute film. What happened within the next two weeks was all magic. On November 3rd the Studios has announced the results; tens of thousands of votes, 65 finalists, one Grand Prix winner. Ladies and Gentlemen, here they are, two hyper creative people and ones with a great sense of humor: Dan Hammill and Jeff Wood won the Grand Prix of the 1st edition of GEN:48 with their film, “2026.”
Grand Prix: “2026” by Dan Hammill & Jeff Wood

And here you can watch the two creative heads comment on the award. Congratulations! Well deserved.

Silver: “The Myth” by Hilario Abad, Javi Leria & Esteban Diba

Bronze: “Trailer for Kowloon Night and Fog” by Shang Zhu

Honoree: “Follow the Sun” by Andrea Aureli & Gemma Costa

Honoree: “HIDE OR SEEK” by Emad Khalid Mughal

Best Character: “Let Us Explore” by Gabe Michael

Best Craft: “Under Siege” by Seif Abdalla

Best Narrative: “Balloons” by Daniel Scott Cribbs

Congratulations once again to all winners and participants. You can watch the other amazing creatives, the finalists of the 1st edition here. Beware: it’s contagious, the creativity flow we mean. You may want to become a filmmaker yourself. Enjoy and in case you may need it: good luck!