AI BITS: 1stAI Machine, The saving powers of Runway Gen-2’s text-to-video, LEGO needs & GONE

BIT #1

Here it is, finally some real AI to touch, a tangible AI thing. 1stAI Machine! At last something one can brag about, show off when using, take it out “for a walk” or workation-type-of-thing, and all this for those who are into making movies, editing and prompting them, precisely with Runway ML but more to come. This is the worlds first AI video hardware designed specifically for video editing with AI. The device is a collaboration between creative agencies, UK-based 1stAveMachine and SGX from US.

“…we anticipate that the quality of videos will soon match that of photos. At that point, anyone will be able to create movies without the need for a camera, lights, or actors; they will simply interact with the AIs. A tool like 1stAI Machine anticipates that moment by exploring tangible interfaces that enhance creativity.”

BIT #2

Staying on top of the AI video game, we would like to emphasize how fast the tech development is currently. You literally wake up everyday and something new is up, some other stuff got a massive update, and everything is ground braking. There is this guy, a designer, developer, entrepreneur, artist, named Ben Nash, a great source of inspiration and a mater of his craft, and he has shared a short, yet very illustrative note on X summarizing the advancement we are talking about. Just see for yourself, you are not afraid of spiders, aren’t you?!

“Flashback to 5 months ago: I invested 8 hours crafting a mere 6-second clip of a mechanical spider descending on a log. That tiny snippet required 8 apps and countless processes! Fast forward to today: With the power of Runway Gen-2’s text-to-video prompt, I’ve conjured up 120 scenes, all seamlessly synchronized to AI-composed tunes from Splash Pro Music. Dive into my 3-minute oceanic ensemble of robotic marine life grooving underwater. Presenting “Sea Time”. Dive in, enjoy, and please like & share, thanks yo”

BIT #3

Lego is a religion…but, seriously, generative AI in the service of designing LEGO set could be a real superpower. Mighty as hell! Just imagine, you come up with a set idea, prompt it out, tweak here and there, upload it to that LEGO site where they will evaluate what are the exact pieces you may need to make it real, place an order and be gone for a year and half spending every evening on a LEGO construction site. Are you in? If so, then let’s lear first how to get a decent LEGO prompt…

One and only Javi Lopez would like to share his tutorial, but needs more engagement. C’mon! Let’s make it happen!

“Well, I’ll leave it to you guys to look for more odd details, I know you love that If you’re up for a TUTORIAL on how I generated this, hit repost like there’s no tomorrow and I’ll take the hint. Thanks! “

Hype it up here.

BIT #4

GONE by MatthieuGB

(no extra words needed for this bit)