All things retro… we thought we felt like nostalgia would be the right theme for today, you fancy?


What if? There was a shroomy Lego set, Blade Runner would have been shot vertically and Homer Simpson had a diamond grill…those few and some more Monday specials.


They say the eyes are the window to the soul and that real eyes realize real lies; we couldn’t agree more. Take a look at todays takeaways, there’s plenty to catch your eye here.

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe

So here we are now… in a place that makes no sense, yet somehow we all have ended up in here. We published it, you went in. Without even knowing what’s in here, how come?


When you look at your hand, how many fingers do you see? Usually there’s five and every single one of them is different. Humans are like fingers, there are no two identical. Today we serve five different humanoid faces, from cactus folks, via paper ones and bread people, to straight-from-space and couch-like humans.


From Cthulu, to African High Fashion Kings, with a short stop to meet some people who don’t exist, a tête-à-tête on Mars and an eye-to-eye contact with a Butterfly Girl. Faces you will never forget.


The take aways here are like the essence of the famous quote from one of the top movies ever: My mama always said, ‘Life is (was) like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”. And here it is…the box itself.


We’ve gotten hit by some unknown nostalgic vibes, thus we kick off the week with old school super heroes, retro-futuristic mechanical exoskeletons, desert worms, 80’s catalogues and some rain to wash the vibe off.


For the love of the art, we start with the meeting of masters, then move on to the talk of the blocks of flats and unknown diaries, only to end up with some party and football lovers.


Eyes, they say, are the windows of the souls. Do you think it is true? Whose soul it is, if it’s AI generated? Some food for thought here. Now, all eyes on me please.