This room. This prompt. There’s a prompt for everyone. And a time. And a place.
This room. This prompt. There’s a prompt for everyone. And a time. And a place.
An award-winning trio of digital artists from Netherlands, got Hieronymus Bosch in the AI loop, they asked AI to interpret their interpretation of The Garden of Earthly Delights like Bosch would.
The beauty of imperfections, distorted, fragmented visuals; at a glance, you can tell there’s one thing all of Dirt Castle’s a.k.a. Eric Nord’s creations share: the enthusiasm of the unexpected, and so is the viewing experience. Enjoy the glitch.
Look around you
What do those faces tell you?
Faces, joy and pain…
Imagine a tapestry adorned with majestic dragons soaring through the sky, symbolizing power and good fortune. Swap the majestic with Charizard and that’s where we are. Are you coming in?
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with prompt, and the word was prompt. Then there was an –sref code…
Welcome to Runway’s 2024 AI Film Festival, where tools of the future made it possible for the Grand Prix winning movie character to face his past…come in to see how!
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you
But I love it, but I love it…
In search of where we end & something else begins.
Space is only noise if you can see
See, I want to write a story about two long lines
Two pretty lines that fall in love
Two little spaces, they’re filled with echoes
One point below to each space
Did the lines ever intersect one another at a moment in time?