An art project about aging, beauty freedom & fun, yet empowering women by imagining an alternate reality where they can pursue their passions freely. Meet the aunties.

It looks like AI is making people now!

If you are a brand owner/manager, marketing strategist or a media planner and you are tired of egotic people, sick of maniacs or the influencer’s need to make money by just posing to photoshoots then AI make come handy to you.

The magnificent Magnific

A newcomer called Magnific AI juts got themselves right in the spotlight for their image upscaling capabilities. Unlike anything seen before.

Pika it is!

Houston: an idea-to-video platform that brings creativity to motion has just dropped a ground breaking release, it seems to be out of this world! Over.


All things retro… we thought we felt like nostalgia would be the right theme for today, you fancy?

ARTIST HIGHLIGHT: ai_dream_journey

Dreamy, colorful and seductive but also a bit odd, disturbing and clumsy, could be the eyes though. They are everywhere, lookin at the viewer, straight in their face. Very personal.

–style 8YHZ0RGqm-3UmPObQEqr-D5u2S297–ar 16:9 or not so random magic of Midjourney Style Tuning

You may have seen it somewhere, a chain of random characters at the end of a prompt. What are those? Well, they are style tuning parameters.

Stable Video Diffusion is real!

The company has entered the generative video space owned pretty much by Runway and Pika, until now. It seems they are not going to just linger in there, instead they are more like saying “it’s our turn now!”

The worlds of Small Worlds & MΛᄃΉIПΣGЯΛPΉIᄃƧ… nothing you can relate to, or can you?

A VR headset for flies with 2,500 eyeholes and the experiments of the subconscious. What do those two have in common?


What if? There was a shroomy Lego set, Blade Runner would have been shot vertically and Homer Simpson had a diamond grill…those few and some more Monday specials.