It looks like AI is making people now!

If you are a brand owner/manager, marketing strategist or a media planner and you are tired of egotic people, sick of maniacs or the influencer’s need to make money by just posing to photoshoots then AI make come handy to you.

The magnificent Magnific

A newcomer called Magnific AI juts got themselves right in the spotlight for their image upscaling capabilities. Unlike anything seen before.

Pika it is!

Houston: an idea-to-video platform that brings creativity to motion has just dropped a ground breaking release, it seems to be out of this world! Over.

Will AI revolutionize urban planning?

All basic needs and services are within a 15-minute reach from your home. Just walk or use a bike to get your shopping done, visit a doctor, go to work, school or a park. Can AI make it happen?

DALL·E 3 drawing superpowers

DALL·E 3 has opened up some amazing possibilities for creating drawings, anything from detailed sketches, through designing games to even bringing some extra light to the dark Medieval times and the anachronistic artworks.

AI generated art has just generated a new genre of art! 

That may sound like an inception-esque concept or a smart word game, one of the Real Eyes Realize Real Lies type of, but it’s not. At least not in its pure sense, no words in it, but the playfulness hasn’t vanished, it’s there to stay. This is Controllism.

Vary (Region) a.k.a. Inpainting – the exciting arrival of a real game changer.

The new tool empowers users to work on specific areas of their images, offering almost unprecedented control over the desired outcome. Check out some of the greatest examples of Vary (Region) use cases.

Human Imagination x Artificial Intelligence

What it takes to be perceived as an artist making use of AI and not an artist made by AI? It is interesting to be able to see how creative people are using AI in favour of their daily creative process in a bit different way to what we are seeing everyday across the web.

AI BITS: THE PROMPT MASTERY, Lupe Fiasco x AI, ARVisual studio toolkit and a simple story of DIFFUSION MODELS

Are you as god as your last prompt; the incredible examples of human & machine collabortion put some truly bright light on the future of AI.


A few days back them Midjourney people have sweeten up our creative lives with another great feature which nobody asked for but everybody needed-panning. What it do?